When you become a member of the SSAA, you become part of Australia’s largest shooting organisation and join thousands of other people around the country in ensuring the future of the shooting sports.
The SSAA runs hundreds of shooting clubs around the country and represents the interests of firearms owners, shooters and hunters on a national and international level.
Financial members of the SSAA are entitled to public liability and personal accident insurance for their shooting and hunting activities through SSAA Insurance Brokers. The brokerage can also assist members with their other personal and commercial needs, such as motor vehicle, boat, caravan, travel, business, and home and contents insurance. Members may also choose to add SSAA Members Firearms Insurance to their membership for $35 per year to receive $25,000 worth of firearms and fixed firearm accessories insurance.
In addition to this, some of the practical benefits of SSAA membership include complimentary access to the Australian Shooter, The Junior Shooter, ASJ, SSAA National E-newsletter and special report publications; discounts on our quarterly Australian Hunter, annual Australian & New Zealand Handgun and other shooting and hunting magazines. SSAA members can also purchase some great merchandise through the SSAA Store.
The SSAA is Australia’s biggest hunting advocacy and training organisation. We are involved in game management committees and stakeholder groups to ensure the best outcome for hunters, and provide training and education programs to ensure ethical hunting practices. SSAA members interested in extending their conservation efforts may be able to join a Conservation & Wildlife Management branch in their respective state or territory after passing the accreditation programs. Our SSAA Farmer Assist program also provides members with increased access to hunting opportunities while helping out Australian farmers with their pest management issues.